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Steampunk Bags

When a simple belt wont carry all your gear that you need at hand, consider these Steampunk Utility Hip Pouch Bags. These attractive and highly adaptable leather bags fit onto your belt with other pieces to create a custom utility belt. Hand crafted in our shop from 6/8 ounce tanned leather in a variety of colors, these pouches feature solid brass hardware. D-rings, & grommets. Versatile and durable, these Steampunk Utility Hip Pouch Bags are perfect for Steamship engineers, traveling apothecarists, LARP, and clerics.

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Steampunk Leather Thigh Bag Features: Base measures 10" x 8". Bag pocket measures 8.5" wide x 5.5" wide x 3" deep when expanded . Comes with Petoskey stone drawstring concho and deerskin welts at seams.
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